How Do I Market My Small Business on Social Media? | Ep 123

šŸŽ¤ Ready to level up your small business's social media game? Meet Jodine, the confidence booster you've been looking for. šŸ’Ŗ

Sure, there's no shortage of social media strategists out there. But Jodine brings something different to the table. She understands that having a strategy is pointless if you lack the confidence to execute it.

And who better to guide you through the maze of social media than someone who's seen the struggles of many small business owners (Jodine calls them self-made business owners)?

Jodine from Social Smarty isn't just another expert; she's a self-made business owner herself.

She knows the struggles of imposter syndrome all too well and she's turned it into her strength. Now, she's on a mission to help fellow entrepreneurs find their confidence and voice in the crowded (and seemingly complicated) world of social media.

Jodine's motto is simple: YOU CAN'T GET IT WRONG. šŸ§Ø

If ever encouraging words were spoken.

So, here we go. You and me learning together. And I can tell you,ā€¦ the news is GOOD!


Do You Want Some Help With That?

Keen to take Jodine up on that help with how to do your own social media marketing? Hereā€™s where you can get in touch with her:

Email: [email protected]


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