How to Set Achievable Business Goals? | Ep 110

Correct me if I’m wrong, but for every podcast I turn to, “goals” are the topic of the moment.

The next thing?

We get busy jotting down aspirations, milestones, dreams, and ideals. AND UNICORNS AND FAIRY TALES 🦄  🧝‍♀️

Let’s face it, without a vision and a plan, a goal is nothing more than a beautiful but lofty wish. Because nobody tells you HOW to define an ACHIEVABLE business goal that will get you somewhere.

Don't get me wrong, I love dreams and bucket lists as much as the next person. But we shouldn’t mistake them for our realistic business goals for the new year. Not just like that, anyway.

That’s why I introduced my Being Boss "Pāhi Puawai" Coaching Programme a year ago. Not to blow my own trumpet, but last year’s feedback was overwhelmingly praising.

  • We start with a close examination of the areas in your business that are ripe for improvement. I guide you through the business reflection, as I explained in our previous BYW episode.
  • From there, we work through a strategic process based on vision and priorities. This results in realistic business goals that are like targeted arrows that hit the bulls-eye.
  • Three to five goals become the pillars of your Rock Solid Annual Plan. We choose them strategically to address key areas we identified during your annual review, but also aligned with your Unstoppable Vision. The trick is to not to try to do it all, but doing what truly moves the needle.


Do You Want Some Help With That?

Come and join the coaching program so I can help YOU achieve your vision and translate it into achievable business goals.

Because, without wanting to sound dramatic, at this point, you're genuinely standing at a crossroads.

  • You can continue to navigate your entrepreneurial journey alone, grappling with challenges and hurdling obstacles independently.
  • You can choose a path where you're not alone, but where expertise and personalised support guide every step.

The link is waiting for you to click.

Me, I can't wait to launch you into a journey of growth full of clarity and confidence.

Your next chapter begins with a simple push of the button. Let's make 2024 your best year yet. Together!


I Also Need Your Help With This!

  • I am looking for new guests to bring to the podcast.
    - If you're a female service business owner with a small team, then reach out. I'd love to have a chat with you on the podcast.

    - If you know of an amazing small business owner, then tell me about them so I can reach out to them.
  • If there are any topics or questions that you want answers to, then drop me a voice message using the Ask Me link.


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✔️ Don’t forget to share, so other people find value in this episode too.


If you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? Write in with your question at

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Work with me:

If you're feeling stuck, tired of the hustle and grind, not sure what your next step is, or you're struggling to get any traction on your goals because you're bogged down with client work, then book one of my Business Growth & Strategy Sessions

You know that if you want different results, you have to do things differently! Private 1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 months) is probably your next best step. Apply Here

Want to spend a day setting up Project Plans & Workflows with so you can streamline the way your business operates? Book a VIP Day with me


Episode edited by LJS Creative Services #YourPodcastHelp