A Business Reflection Guide For Small Business Owners | Ep 109


What I mean by that is this:

We may feel like we’re busy doing nothing during the Christmas break, BUT in taking a break from the day to day, we’re actually doing an awful lot! 😲

I, for one, try to make the most of this magical process.

👉  I feed my brain the insights it needs to come up with that clarity.

You know, ...

🌱  I plant the seed (Now)

🌱  I sit back to watch it pop its head out of the ground (During the Christmas break)

🌱  I start to nurture it, prune it and guide it (When I do my yearly planning after the Christmas break)

So what does that seed look like?

The podcast will give you the answer!

It involves some questions and some insightful data.


Need Some Help With That?

Feel intimidated or even too tired to even open your laptop?

Reach out to me. Book a coaching call and I’ll be the extra pair of eyes and ears to help you dissect it all. I promise it’s worth it!

You book your coaching call here:


I Also Need Your Help With This!

  • I am looking for new guests to bring to the podcast.
    - If you're a female service business owner with a small team, then reach out. I'd love to have a chat with you on the podcast.

    - If you know of an amazing small business owner, then tell me about them so I can reach out to them.
  • If there are any topics or questions that you want answers to, then drop me a voice message using the Ask Me link.


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If you have a question you’d like me to answer on the podcast? Write in with your question at

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If you're feeling stuck, tired of the hustle and grind, not sure what your next step is, or you're struggling to get any traction on your goals because you're bogged down with client work, then book one of my Business Growth & Strategy Sessions

You know that if you want different results, you have to do things differently! Private 1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 months) is probably your next best step. Apply Here

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Episode edited by LJS Creative Services #YourPodcastHelp