How to Optimise Service Delivery in a Small Business? | Ep 108

👉 What makes one business more successful than the other?

The answer is not an easy one and there are many factors at play, but surely SERVICE DELIVERY scores high on the list.

The thing is, in a small business, you’re juggling many things with a limited amount of hands.

  • Things go wrong
  • Demand fluctuates
  • Challenges arise
  • . . .

And you and your team are expected to sail through it all with a smile on your face.

The client, on the other hand... expects nothing less than outstanding service delivery.

Which begs the question:
How Do You Provide Consistent Outstanding Service Delivery When You Have A Limited Amount Of Hands To Get The Job Done?  🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

I had a good long think about that.

I came up with 3 THINGS I DID IN MY BUSINESS that had a big impact on service delivery, but may go unmentioned in the books.

Some of them may actually surprise you!


Do You Want Some Help With That?

I hope this episode served you and helps you get a bit clearer on how to optimise service delivery in a small business?

Let me know what YOU do to improve service delivery in a small team! I’m interested to hear.

And as always,...

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I Also Need Your Help With This!

  • I am looking for new guests to bring to the podcast.
    - If you're a female service business owner with a small team, then reach out. I'd love to have a chat with you on the podcast.

    - If you know of an amazing small business owner, then tell me about them so I can reach out to them.
  • If there are any topics or questions that you want answers to, then drop me a voice message using the Ask Me link.


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Episode edited by LJS Creative Services #YourPodcastHelp