My Capacity Forecasting Struggles (and Solutions?) | Ep 106

This week I want to come to you Raw and Real: I’m struggling with CAPACITY ISSUES in my events business.

See, the events industry is seasonal, and right now... it’s crazy time! I mean seriously crazy!

To help my events business team, I’ve had my head down. Get on with the work to get us to the other end.

But of course, that will resolve nothing in the longer term. BECAUSE NEXT YEAR.... 😭

So ....

What can I do to forecast and plan capacity in business so I CAN AVOID THIS MAD DASH IN THE FUTURE?

I don’t have the answers. But I’m working on it!

Which made me come up with this idea...


👉 If anything, it reinforces that you’re never done with business. There’s always a next issue to find an answer to.

👉 But also, it’ll give you some insight in how I approach my struggles.

So, .... let’s get raw and real!


I Also Need Your Help With This!

  • I am looking for new guests to bring to the podcast.
    - If you're a female service business owner with a small team, then reach out. I'd love to have a chat with you on the podcast.

    - If you know of an amazing small business owner, then tell me about them so I can reach out to them.
  • If there are any topics or questions that you want answers to, then drop me a voice message using the Ask Me link.


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Episode edited by LJS Creative Services #YourPodcastHelp